California Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

Last year, the California governor signed into law new rules for employers and sexual harassment training requirements. The new law went into effect this year, which adjusts and clarifies the timing of sexual harassment training for employees as well as implements the development of free online sources for training. As an employee, you have the right to work in a space that is free from sexual harassment by your fellow employees and supervisors. If you are having an issue with sexual harassment in the workplace, it is important that you speak with an experienced California employment law attorney today.
Requirements for Small Businesses
The new law, SB-778, clarifies some requirements for sexual harassment training that were passed into law in 2018. Under the old law, any employer with five or more employees was required to provide two hours of sexual harassment training to all supervisory employees and one hour to all non-supervisory employees before January 1, 2020. The new law expands the deadline for employers with less than fifty employees to January 1, 2021 to comply with the training requirements.
However, it is important to note that the extension does not apply to employers with fifty or more employees. They are required to provide at least two hours of training to all supervisors employed as of July 1, 2005 and to all new supervisory employees within six months of hiring. The training must be repeated every two years.
Training for Temporary or Seasonal Workers
The new sexual harassment training law also applies to temporary and seasonal workers. Beginning January 1, 2020, all workers identified as seasonal, temporary, or who are hired to work for less than six months must receive sexual harassment training within 30 calendar days worked or 100 hours, whichever occurs first. This applies regardless of the size of the employer or how many full time employees work for the company.
Free Sexual Harassment Resources
Finally, the new sexual harassment training law requires that the state Department of Fair Employment and Housing develops or obtains two online training courses, one for supervisory employees and one for non-supervisory employees, that covers the materials required by law. These resources will be available on the department’s website for free to help employers meet the requirements of the new law. The training seminars provided by the DFEH will ask employees to answer questions occasionally throughout the training to continue, and any questions that arise from the employees taking the course must be directed to their own HR departments and not the DFEH.
Call or Contact a California Employment Law Attorney
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive and serious threat to the well-being of employees in California. If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual harassment by a supervisor or other non-supervisory employee, you need to speak with an experienced employment law attorney as soon as possible. Call or contact our office today to discuss your legal options.