Can I Get Paid Time Off for Covid-19

Can I Get Paid Time Off for Covid-19?
The Covid-19 pandemic has been an incredibly stressful time with far-reaching effects on everything from our ability to get toilet paper to employment and financial stability. If you are worried about how contracting Covid-19 could affect your ability to maintain your job or continue supporting yourself or your household financially while you recover, we have some good news. California’s Covid-19 Supplemental Sick Leave Plan allows for paid time off for reasons related to Covid-19, including getting a Covid-19 vaccine, caring for yourself or a loved one, or having to quarantine. This means that even if you get sick, you can still receive your normal wages while you recover. For many, this is a huge relief. Of course, you may still have questions, so we’ll provide more relevant information below.
What You Need to Know About Paid-Time Off for Covid-19
- Eligibility. You are eligible to receive paid time off for reasons related to Covid-19 if you are employed by a California business that has at least 26 total employees. You are eligible whether you are a full-time or part-time employee, however, the amount of paid time off that you are entitled to will vary depending on whether you are full-time or part-time. This plan covers the time span from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022.
- Reasons for Paid-Time Off. Full-time employees can receive up to 40 hours of paid leave which can go toward getting a Covid-19 vaccine, caring for a loved one who is sick or quarantined, or caring for themselves if they are sick or quarantining based on the recommendation of a doctor or in compliance with CDC guidelines. An additional 40 hours of leave becomes available if the employee or their family member tests positive for Covid-19. Part-time employees may receive an amount of paid time off equivalent to the amount that they work over a two-week period. For instance, if someone works 20 hours a week, they are eligible for up to 40 hours of paid leave for Covid-19-related reasons. 20 of these hours are available for vaccination, and care for themselves or a loved one who is sick or quarantining, while the other 20 will be available if the employee or their family member test positive for Covid-19.
- Retroactive Payments. This plan covers from January 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022, however, the plan did not go into effect until February 19, 2022. If you had to miss work for one of the reasons covered by that plan between January 1, 2022 and February 19, 2022, and you were not paid or received a reduced wage, you can receive retroactive payments. These payments are intended to pay you your regular wage for those days, up to the amount of $511/day.
- Notify Your Employer. All you have to do to qualify for this time off is to notify your employer, either verbally or in writing. If your employer refuses to grant you time off or fails to pay you your regular wage while you are off work, it is a good idea to consult with an attorney about your options.
Talk to a California Employment Lawyer
If you have had to miss work due to Covid-19 and your California employer is refusing to provide the compensation that you are entitled to, a California employment lawyer can help. Contact an attorney today.