What You Need to Know About Slip and Fall Accidents

Have you or someone you know been injured in a slip and fall accident? There are several things to consider when it comes to slips, trips, and falls. Read on to consider some facts about slip and fall accidents and what you can expect when pursuing a personal injury claim, if you choose to do so.
There is a Time Limit
Many states have what is called statutes of limitation. These are rules set up to keep old litigation from flooding the courts by setting a deadline by which you must bring your claim. This deadline could be two or three years or so, but varies by state, so be sure you check with your personal injury attorney about the statute of limitations in your state. The statute of limitations in California is generally two years. If you do not submit your claim by the deadline, the opposing side will attempt to have your case dismissed on those grounds. However, even if you believe the deadline in your state has passed, do not hesitate to contact a qualified slip and fall attorney who can help you determine whether your case is salvageable.
There are Many Types of Slip and Fall Cases
As you might imagine, there are many contexts in which someone could slip, trip, or fall. Some incidents occur in places where members of the public have been invited, like grocery stores, banks, or other places of public accommodation. Other accidents of this type might occur in the workplace. Still others might happen on private property.
There are Ways to Prevent Slips and Falls
Preventing slips, trips, and falls is important, whether you work in a shop or are just a member of the public visiting property where you are eventually injured. Wearing appropriate footwear can help avoid slip and fall accidents, particularly in the workplace. Utilize hazard signs when necessary to warn others about hazardous or slippery conditions. Use non-skid mats where appropriate, especially in places that often get wet, like a bathroom or a kitchen. Watch for hazards outside like uneven sidewalks and broken curbs that can cause one to trip, and always keep pathways and aisle ways clear.
What to do if You are in a Slip and Fall Accident
If you slip and fall, especially in public, it can be tempting to want to hightail it out of the area as quickly as possible. Resist the urge and temptation to do this. If you are on public property or at a place where people are invited to come, like a shop, politely but firmly insist that a report is made of the accident. Take photos of the area, especially if you can see what caused you to fall, like a puddle or spill. If there are witnesses, take down their information, as well.
Find an Experienced and Compassionate Attorney
If you have been in a slip and fall accident, you are not alone. Thousands of people slip and fall each year, many of whom do not report their accident. You may have a claim for your injuries and/or property damage acquired in the accident. Do not delay; contact an attorney as soon as possible to preserve your rights and interests.