5 STAR Age Discrimination Law Firm

    Securing Over $60 Million in Compensation for California Clients Since 2015.


    You can count on our team of Age Discrimination Attorneys in Southern California to fight tooth and nail against age-based discrimination. We will guide you through the complexities of California’s age discrimination laws and help you thrive despite facing discrimination in the workplace. Expect our team to be at your side from beginning to end, assisting you in understanding your rights, navigating legal protocols, and gathering essential evidence to build the strongest case possible against age discrimination.

    Age Discrimination

    sexual-harassment-icon 1
    Age-Based Harassment
    Age-Based Discrimination
    pensioner 1
    Being Encouraged or Forced to Retire
    Group (3)
    Termination Due to Age
    Passed for Promotion
    inequality 1
    Salary Discrimination
    Group (1)
    Isolation Due to Age
    free-icon-anger-7865896 1
    Hostility Due to Age
    free-icon-retirement-9165906 1
    Unreasonable Discipline based on age
    Group (2)
    Reduced Training Opportunities
    free-icon-problem-2598884 1
    Being Overlooked for Challenging Assignments
    Component 1

    Age-Based Discrimination at Work?

    Rectangle 9
    • It’s normal to feel lost and frustrated if you’re experiencing age-based discrimination or termination due to age. We know how tough things can get. Common issues we see are:
    • Termination Due To Age: An older employee, despite demonstrating satisfactory performance, is suddenly terminated from their position. The stated reasons may include “restructuring” or “performance issues,” yet there’s a suspicion that age played a significant role, highlighting potential discriminatory motives behind the decision.
    • Promotion and Advancement Discrimination: Older workers might encounter barriers to promotion and advancement opportunities, as employers may perceive them as less adaptable or less capable of learning new skills.
    • Retirement Pressures: Older workers may feel pressured to retire prematurely or face age-related assumptions about their desire or ability to continue working, limiting their career options and financial security.

    Age Discrimination Is Complicated—Let Us Be Your Guide

    • Getting the help you deserve for Age Discrimination isn’t simple. There’s a lot of red tape that can make things hard.. 

    You need a strong and experienced team to stand up for you so you get the money you deserve. We’ll lead you through every step, like:

    • Gathering documentation and evidence
    • Doing all the paperwork to file your lawsuit.
    • If needed, filing a formal complaint with a government agency.

    Call Now for a Free Consultation

    To learn more about hiring us as your Age Discrimination attorney, please call 213-674-3354 now and request a free consultation. Remember, no money is ever due upfront for our services. You only pay if we win your case.

    Age Discrimination is complex. You need aggressive representation to fight for you. We will have your back through all the steps required to get you the compensation you deserve.

    Step 1
    Call us or submit your case online for a free consultation
    Step 2
    Retain our firm
    Step 3
    Start recovering & get your life back

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