Wrongful Death
Horrific murder of decedent results in a $41.6M verdict. Our firm represented the decedent’s infant child and mother.
Wrongful Termination
Long-time employee was wrongfully terminated after experiencing race and disability discrimination at work.
Class Action Settlement
Class Action Settlement
Sexual Harassment
Female harassed by supervisor.
Slip & Fall
Woman slipped on a liquid substance outside of a business which led to a knee surgery.
Slip & Fall
Slip & Fall at a fast food restaurant causes lower back injury to a young woman.
Class Action Settlement
Class Action Settlement
Wrongful Termination
Man fired while on medical leave despite being able to return to work approximately one month after termination.
Woman terminated after calling law enforcement due to suspected illegal conduct.
Wrongful Termination
Woman terminated after returning to work from a medical leave for cancer treatment
Disability Discrimination
Long-tenured employee's restrictions were not accommodated in a disability discrimination case.
Wrongful Termination
10-month employee fired while on medical leave.
Sexual Harassment
Client experienced sexual harassment in the workplace by the owner of the company.
Slip & Fall
Woman sustained serious injuries from a slip and fall incident.
Sexual Harassment
Long-time employee was retaliated against and fired for complaining about sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment
Young woman experiences sexual abuse.
Personal Injury
Woman sustains knee injury when hit by a vehicle while in a parking lot.
Disability Discrimination
Employee’s job restrictions were not accommodated, and the employee was subsequently terminated.
Age Discrimination
Long-time manager fired due to age.
Race Discrimination
African-American manager paid less than his non-African-American Counterparts.
Sexual Harassment
Male employee was sexually harassed by a male co-worker who had a history of complaints for sexual harassment.
PAGA Settlement
Wrongful Termination
Woman fired after company failed to provide reasonable accommodations
Slip & Fall
Woman slips and falls at a big-box retailer.
Wrongful Termination
Employee complained of unlawful practices and was subsequently terminated for making the complaints.
Wrongful Termination
Woman terminated after a six-week medical leave for surgery.
Gender Discrimination
Transgender woman was harassed by her supervisor.
Harassment & Discrimination
Woman harassed due to her sexual orientation.
Sexual Harassment
Nurse was sexually harassed while working at a hospital.
Sexual Harassment
Employee is retaliated against for complaining about sexual harassment.
Personal Injury
Nurse was sexually harassed while working at a hospital.
Car Accident
Rear-end collision.
Wrongful Termination
Retaliated against for complaints of sexual harassment.
Disability Discrimination
College professor's requests for accommodation were denied.
Wrongful Termination
Employee is wrongfully terminated after rejecting supervisor’s sexual advances.
Race Discrimination
African-American woman complains about race discrimination to her superiors and gets wrongfully terminated.
Car Accident
A lower back injury was re-aggravated in a rear-end collision.
Ride Share Accident
Accident during Rideshare.
Wrongful Termination
Wrongful Termination and Retaliation for employees claims of Sexual Harassment.
Disability Discrimination
Jury verdict in a disability discrimination case.
Discrimination & Wrongful Termination
Man experiences retaliation for taking medical leave and is subsequently terminated
Whistle Blower
Employee complained of company’s safety violations and was terminated as a result.
Car Accident
Rear-end collision.
Trucking Accident
Trucking Accident.
Wrongful Termination
Employee is wrongfully terminated after complaining of sexual harassment.
Wrongful Termination
Woman fired for missing work due to epilepsy.
Sexual Harassment
Company retaliates against woman for complaining about sexual harassment.
Wrongful Termination
Woman terminated by a company that claims they could not accommodate her restrictions.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Male employee experiences discrimination at his workplace due to his sexual orientation
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment.
Rideshare Accident
Uber driver injured in hit & run collision.
Slip & Fall
Slip & Fall resulting in injury at fast food restaurant.
Disability Discrimination
Discrimination & Wrongful Termination due to disability.
Slip & Fall
Woman slips and falls at a supermarket.
Disability Discrimination
Discrimination & Wrongful Termination due to disability.
Workplace Harassment
Woman was assaulted at an office.
Sexual Harassment
Woman sexually harassed by manager.
Race & Religious Discrimination
African-American Muslim man was racially and religiously discriminated, retaliated and wrongful termination during his employment.
Rideshare Accident
Accident during Rideshare.
Dog Bite Case
Client bit by dog resulting in injury.
Pregnancy Discrimination
Woman experiences pregnancy discrimination at work.
Pregnancy Discrimination
Employee wrongfully terminated for taking medical & paternity leave.
Sexual Harasmment
Sexual Harassment in the work place.
Wrongful Termination
Woman fired 2 weeks after returning from a one-month medical leave.
Tenant was assaulted by property manager.
Sexual Harassment
Gentleman was sexually assaulted at work.
Race discrimination
Race discrimination.
Age discrimination
Age discrimination in Los Angeles
Premises Liability
Finger injury resulting in surgery.
Traffic Accident
Medical transportation accident.