Employment Law

At the Law Offices of Jake Finkel, our employment lawyers fight for California workers who are experiencing harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination and other employment injustices at the hands of their employer.

Los Angeles Wrongful Termination Lawyer

As Wrongful Termination Lawyers in Los Angeles, we've seen it all, and to be quite honest with you, nothing upsets us more than seeing someone experience termination for illegal reasons.…
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Los Angeles Whistleblower Lawyer

As Whistleblower lawyers, we protect anyone who is brave enough to come out against their employers! Whistleblowing involves the public disclosure of wrongdoing, usually by an employee. Retaliation by an…
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Los Angeles Wage and Hour Lawyer

Wage and overtime are perhaps two of the most important employment law topics from the perspective of a worker. Workers want to know that they are properly compensated for the…
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Los Angeles Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawyer

Sexual Orientation Discrimination Sexual orientation discrimination describes the unequal treatment of employees based on a particular perceived sexual designation, such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and even heterosexual. There is currently…
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Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Sexual Harassment & Sex Discrimination ​Sexual harassment and sex discrimination are illegal under both state and federal law. However, proving it can be difficult. ​No workplace is immune to this…
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Los Angeles Rest & Meal Breaks Lawyer

While there are some important exceptions, In California, an employer may not employ an employee for a work period of more than five hours per day without providing the employee…
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Los Angeles Religious Discrimination Lawyer

Religious Discrimination: Is Your Employer Breaking Civil Rights Laws? Religious discrimination at work is fairly widespread. It happens whenever an employer (or a coworker, client, or customer) treats an employee…
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Los Angeles Race Discrimination Lawyer

Los Angeles Race Discrimination Lawyer Race Discrimination is illegal in Los Angeles and California at large. Workers have protections from Race Discrimination in the workplace thanks to the civil rights…
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Los Angeles Gender Discrimination Lawyer

Gender Discrimination in the Workplace ​In California, federal and state gender discrimination laws protect workers from discrimination on the basis of these traits: Biological Sex: Female, male, intersex, other. Gender Identity: Woman,…
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Los Angeles Disability Discrimination Lawyer

Disability Discrimination: FEHA and ADA Violations in California Disability discrimination is sadly very common in the workplace. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of their rights under the law, and…
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Los Angeles Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

Pregnancy discrimination remains a widespread occurrence in Los Angeles’s largest companies all the way down to the small mom and pop shops. Whether women work at Walmart or in a…
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Los Angeles Age Discrimination Lawyer

Age discrimination becomes an issue when employees over the age of 40 experience unfair treatment on the job based specifically on age. Such treatment is illegal under both federal and…
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